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  1. Chris E

    My New Mission

    let me see if i understand this right - they close the lake at night? i have never heard of this before - why would they close a lake?
  2. Chris E

    Moving Adjustable Winch Stand

    sounds like you have it set up perfectly!
  3. Chris E

    omc motor swap

    boat engines are completley different from car engines, different cams, carb, starters, alternator, distributors. most marine engines come from the automotive origins, although a few are stirctly industrial usage. by attempting to convert to a 2.3 you will cause more frustration then you will...
  4. Chris E

    omc motor swap

    anything is possible, the question is why would you do such a thing? usually you power up a boat not go backwards. the 2.3 ford is a horrid marine engine. what is a 175 omc outdrive - they never made one, it's either a 400 or 800 series or a cobra. cobras were made after 85, so it's probably...
  5. Chris E

    Happy Thanksgiving

    hmmmm......... i wonder if we could talk the feds into moving it to the the second monday in june, giving us a long weekend in every month of the summer. october is far too depressing to have a long weekend in, it snowed at my cottage last weekend!
  6. Chris E

    REMOTE oil filter

    but it's not near as much fun :brickwall: i loved those "head rushes"
  7. Chris E

    Happy Thanksgiving

    yeah, i think it has something to do with our winter coming earlier accross the country. in november it's still pretty nice in most States. i used to deal with the Sea Ray factories a lot and the folks there would never believe me when i told them we had turkey day in october.
  8. Chris E

    boat sunk

    you'll be replacing a lot of parts over the next while as the water does the damage, watch out the following: shift and throttle cables, shift cable (drive end) wiring harness all solenoids, trim pump motor all electrical components main engine circuit breaker if you don't already have one...
  9. Chris E

    REMOTE oil filter

    as long as access to the filter isn't to bad, i'd leave it as is. there are some boats out there that need the engine pulled in order to change the filter - bad, bad design.
  10. Chris E

    Doral files for creditor protection

    banks had better start opening up credit soon, or there will be a lot more of this:
  11. Chris E

    I/O Makes & Models to Avoid Purchasing?

    4 medium sized people and being sluggish would be perfectly normal. monterey is a heavy boat (good sign of quality, it means there is some fiberglass being used). that's where the benefit of larger power comes in.
  12. Chris E


    i store them full, with a full bottle of merc's fuel stabilizer. current fuel only has a shelf life of 3 months so stabilizer is a must. i don't think we have ethanol in ontario yet either.
  13. Chris E

    I/O Makes & Models to Avoid Purchasing?

    for sure, large 4cyl's vibrate like crazy, v6's still vibrate a bit, v8's are very smooth, but they can be piggy on fuel. so like everything with boats it's a compromise. good luck on the hunt.
  14. Chris E

    I/O Makes & Models to Avoid Purchasing?

    my experiance here comes from 15 years in the business, so i have seen most of these boats inside and out and will only comment on what i've seen from my experiance. SeaSwirl, Larson, Glastron, are fairly good boats - middle of the road quailtiy wise, since they are genmar boats, they all...
  15. Chris E

    I/O Makes & Models to Avoid Purchasing?

    Steer clear of anything OMC - reliability isn't bad, but getting parts is challanging (this will also solve your ford issue). Mercruiser product is generally pretty good, you'll be running an Alpha drive - lots of those around, and parts are easy to come by. do not buy the 3.7L mercruiser in any...
  16. Chris E

    Oil and filter question

    i was in the boat business from 1989 unitl 2005. in that time i never witnessed an oil related engine failure, i saw winterizing failures (water in the block), water failures (hydraulicing mostly due to bad head gaskets), water pump failures causing engine damage (overheat), and one engine...
  17. Chris E

    Oil and filter question

    when i was in the business, we always used generic filters, wix, penzoil, fram etc. never had an issue. we also used sae40 oil, mercury's 25w40 is a blend of straight 25 and straight 40 which works out to a 33 weight. do not use multi viscosity oil - it will cause problems (frothing...
  18. Chris E

    Plans for the Belle Isle, a 23' barrel back runabout designed by Ken Hankinson

    very nice, one of my closeset friends restores wooden boats for a living, the endless hours of sanding must be enough to drive you nuts!
  19. Chris E

    Now This is Vintage.....

    that pic is of a sistership - couldn't tell ya where it was run. that old larson was neat, in that it had a curved glass windshield long before it was "a revolutionary european design" introduced in the late 80's. i see the new boats (cobalt) have gone back to the square windshield, guess my...
  20. Chris E

    Now This is Vintage.....

    it was an 18 footer - 186 all american with a 160hp inline 6, engine was bullet proof. last i heard it was still running. nice and roomy, but rode like crap - a calm water boat only, the sea ray is a helluva lot better in the rough stuff. looked a lot like this thing (it was originally green...