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  1. Chris E

    Yamaha 40 Outboard still no run

    Just had a thought - battery may be weak. Remember an old merc service bulletin about efi engines needing 12 clean volts of power to energize the ecm before start up. If the battery is weak you will get spark, fuel will be good, but no start. Try a 1000 amp battery.
  2. Chris E

    New to this Forum needing ideas on problem

    interesting problem you have there. so, if only 3 things can go wrong with an engine (compression, ignition, and fuel) and you have eliminated 2 of them, we can be fairly certain the problem is electrical in nature - my bet is a bad ground somewhere. however, before you go electrical crazy...
  3. Chris E

    1990 mercury 135 wide open throttle problems

    while you're at it, check the oil lines, they rot as well, a very expensive fix.
  4. Chris E

    My Sea Ray sundancer

    My boss at the time, knew Connie Ray very well - he was quite a guy from what i understand and took very good care of his employees. the dealership was one of the first sea ray dealerships in Canada.
  5. Chris E

    My Sea Ray sundancer

    my seville is an 86, great boat - rides awesome, good on gas, and looking at it's condition, you'd never think it was 24 years old. sea ray has always built a good boat, i worked for a dealer for a few years, and have been to the tellico, riverview and knoxville plants - very cool.
  6. Chris E

    2010 Olympic Gold Hockey Game!

    helluva game - got so wrapped up in it, forgot to finish cooking dinner!
  7. Chris E

    Sea Ray 5.6 Seville

    Hey Chris: no, i had no time last summer, got it as far as the garage and that was it - very frustrating, i see the floor everyday when i drive into the garage :( hopefully this summer will be a bit quieter, but i have a feeling it will be another year before i can put any serious time into...
  8. Chris E

    Omc I/O 4.3 non-use.

    i worked at a marina where we had a few of those old drives, muskrats loved to chew on the rubber, apparantly it's salty tasting, never tried it myself.
  9. Chris E

    Omc I/O 4.3 non-use.

    that will sink the boat faster than anything, if i'm not mistaking its an 800 series drive.
  10. Chris E

    Toronto Maple Leaf Shakeup!

    no parent should ever bury a child - i can't begin to imagine what the family is going through.
  11. Chris E

    Toronto Maple Leaf Shakeup!

    win - that was a slaughter - i couldn't beleive what i was watching - give these guys a goaltender and look what happens. now the next step - consitancy. really cool that giggy got 2 shut outs in a row - that doesn't happen every day.
  12. Chris E

    Toronto Maple Leaf Shakeup!

    take a 3-1 leave and blow it 4-3, well done guys, knew that was a one shot deal :pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed::pissed: oh well - polish the golf clubs guys - you'll be needing them soon
  13. Chris E

    Pop up cleats vs fixed

    personally, i don't think so, i would use a quality 4 bolt cleat with an aluminum backing plate to take the strain. i'm not sure how the pop cleat would hold with the upper strain vs, the side strain they are designed for.
  14. Chris E

    winter worries

    i used to sell a lot of those, kasco's are the best one's out there, never had any problems.
  15. Chris E

    Sea Ray 5.6 Seville

    they were sea ray's budget boats, but i must say, it's holding together very well. i put a ton of hours on it last summer in the elusive search for the best ice cream in muskoka.
  16. Chris E

    Toronto Maple Leaf Shakeup!

    yup - just remember, that it was only one game, and although the additions are good, they have to teach kessel how to score a goal, apparantly he's forgotton - i think it goes in that thing the goalie stands in front of i think they call it a "hoop" :brickwall: if the leafs don't start...
  17. Chris E

    pontoon, boats

    third tube will do nothing for you - don't bother.
  18. Chris E

    pontoon, boats

    i've driven lots of pontoons over the years, they are slow which is a given, but what i have found with a lot of them, is that they are a very wet driving boat. since they don't ride on top of the water, they push through it, they tend to be much wetter than a runabout.
  19. Chris E

    My New Mission

    i suppose that technically the lakes around here are closed from late december to late april - but that's only due to 3 feet of ice!
  20. Chris E

    My New Mission

    lakes are free in these parts - always have been, and we get to boat 24 hours a day - i can't believe that they close a lake at night. are there houses on any of these lakes? what happens to them? this just blows my mind - nothing like a sunset cruise!