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  1. Chris E

    Questions re new floor & stringers

    you sure the transom is good - you've done a couple of exploratory holes? in my experiance if the floor and stringers are bad -so is everything else.
  2. Chris E

    Questions re new floor & stringers

    good luck with the restore Mut: 1 - i would probably redo the stringers in wood, fully encapsulate with glass, probably easier and likely cheaper than laying in a bunch of glass. - i'd use 3/4 ply for the stingers. 2 - remove the foam, it is for flotation, and should be replaced, however...
  3. Chris E

    J&D Acquisitions sues dealer-cost website

    this should liven things up a bit :poke:
  4. Chris E

    Front Page Picture Nominations!

    actually, dan just finished grad school - lol! i might have to see what i have kicking around with the other kids in it.
  5. Chris E

    Nautique launches electric boat

    ok, this is very winterizing, no oil changes and tune ups. methinks electric power could prove to be very reliable.
  6. Chris E

    Just got back from the 2011 Toronto International Boat Show

    i was hoping to get down there this year, but timing just didn't allow it - hopefully next year.
  7. Chris E

    Happy New Year's 2011

    evenings are always quietest - monday, tuesday nights - a night with a good snowstorm is even better :)
  8. Chris E

    Another Newbe

    depends what series of omc drive it is - the old 400-800 series are not great products and parts are very scarce. the cobra drives weren't much better, but at least they share the same cut out as merc, so if it is a cobra drive a conversion to a merc would make sense. you can fill the hole...
  9. Chris E

    NHL 2010-2011 Season Discussion Thread

    i sure hope the leafs do better, they only have one way to go, but i am highly doubtful they will make the playoffs, and if they do, they'll be gone in the first round.
  10. Chris E

    new member with 200 Optimax question

    i was in the industry at the time those engines were introduced - they had problems, and had one blow up after 500 hours, which from what i heard was normal. don't know if they have improved or not, but most consumers wouldn' see 500 hours in 10 years, long after the warranty expired, so i'm...
  11. Chris E

    ? about converting from inboard/outdrives to outboards

    what kind of boat would have a single 4.3 that you would even consider putting twin 250's on? going from 205 to 500 hp? parts for these engines/drives are readily available.
  12. Chris E


    2 to 3 pumps on a carb motor is completely normal. i have a 3.0l and it fires on the second pump, but will not start ever without a shot of throttle. every engine behaves differantly. i can't explain why it behaves the way it does on land, the only logical explanation i can offer is that you...
  13. Chris E

    can i make it work

    not to mention, often oem will set the engine up with a push throttle or a pull, but you could be fairly certain that merc and omc will do the opposite (one will be a push throttle, the other a pull).
  14. Chris E

    Is a car 2.3 the same as a omc cobra ford 2.3

    111 - tried to delete double post but wouldn't let me
  15. Chris E

    Is a car 2.3 the same as a omc cobra ford 2.3

    that is the wrong engine for that boat, a 20 footer with a 120hp engine in it? in my experiance, that is a rotten boat motor, it's connecte to an omc drive which will be hard to get parts for. my suggestion would be to yank it out and put in 4.3, 5.0, or 5.7 mercruiser. at least you can get...
  16. Chris E

    Stator rewiried

    never heard of that, methinks it would just as expensive as new.
  17. Chris E

    Sea Ray plant in Tennessee is for sale

    interesting, i've been to that plant several times, don't think it's worth 6.6, but i don't know anything about tennessee real estate. the plant isn't that big though. at one point that facility built 120 boats a week, mostly 18 footers and was the only facility with a robot that did all the...
  18. Chris E

    7.5 Gamefisher

    Hey Chris - put your memory hat on - those gamefishers used to be sold out of the sears catolog - back when sears sold tin boats.
  19. Chris E

    Yamaha 40 Outboard still no run

    interesting, it's usually something simple. good to hear you found the problem.
  20. Chris E

    Yes or No to extended service plan for Yamaha 90 2 stroke?

    when i was in the biz, extended warranties had a 50% margin to the dealer. yamaha is a good product, keep your money. if you were putting 200 hours a year, i'd have a different opinion, but you'll be lucky to have 200 hours on it before the warranty expires. use a high quality oil and you should...