sometimes people just have no respect, Sean. sorry to hear about the trouble, hopefully simple stuff.
as for us, we were able to get out for a couple hours Saturday. FINALLY It feels good to get it outta the way, but it was not without incident...
-some dummy.... (not naming names) ***cough*** ME .....didnt tighten the gas cap. its gone. not a cheap one either. lid from a drink fit right in for the day....
-one of my front amplified speakers quit working. It sounded great until then. Not crazy loud or anything, but nice sound while cruising. hope for just a wiring mistake.
-Bought my wife a 2012 pathfinder 2 weeks ago. chose because 2012 was the last of the body on frame SUV(besides giant one) wanted it for towing. Love the truck. I backed the boat in, she pulled out the trailer. I had it in 4wd due to tons of sand on the ramp. (and dead fish due to the fishkill from ice lol) for some reason she thought it necessary to shut off 4wd... and managed to actually push too hard and POP the 4wd selector knob back into the dash. So it was stuck IN 4wd. That was a fun ordeal getting that figured out.
hope for more water time soon, but its cold again. :yikes: and like I said, it felt good to get it out. Especially with all the stuff I worked on. first time Ive had boat stuff apart, so I was quite nervous. Mostly about the lower unit.