Search results

  1. Chris

    Rogue Waves - Myth or Reality?

    I wonder if they're from shifts in the plates in the ocean floor? -Chris
  2. Chris

    84 ambasador

    Thanks BD! I've got the old 170 Pulse with the reliable Merc 150 XR4. :) -Chris
  3. Chris


    Let us know how you make out riverguy. :) -Chris
  4. Chris


    Have you tried adjusting the tilt/trim pin? If you lower that down a bit, that might help. You could also try moving some weight forward like the gas tank. :) -Chris
  5. Chris

    Whale Shark

    Beautiful looking boat and it looks like an equally beautiful area as well. I hope you'll share some more pics! :thumb: You can upload some to our Baja photo gallery section if you like. :) -Chris
  6. Chris


    Welcome aboard Riverguy. :) -Chris
  7. Chris

    Grew up for auction!!!

    Sure you can, just hotlink them. :) -Chris
  8. Chris

    Grew up for auction!!!

    I think forums are still very popular. Facebook seems to be more about people getting together to socialize and post about themselves and their own lives, versus forums which are still better suited for people who want to get together and post about a specific topic. So I think our plans...
  9. Chris

    Grew up for auction!!!

    I would think Cutter is probably a more popular seller at this point. Coop, I think you should move up here, bring the Persuader moulds and then we'll convince SCT to bank roll us so we can start laying some glass. :D Our marketing scheme will be to have Big Red run around on all the boating...
  10. Chris

    Grew up for auction!!!

    Man, I'd love to buy that as a business. :) I wish I had the money and the knowledge to make a go of it. -Chris
  11. Chris

    Hydrostream AE-21

    Really nice! :thumb: -Chris
  12. Chris

    Evinrude Caption Needed!

    You guys are good! :) -Chris
  13. Chris

    This is the biggest striped bass I have ever seen!

    Where I fish we use those for bait! :D All kidding aside, holy crapola that's a big fish! :eyecrazy: -Chris
  14. Chris

    Okay, So What's the Difference between a Rope and a Line?

    Interesting. :) Just reading the title, I thought the answer might have been that one was solid (cord) and one was various strands that were wound together (line). -Chris
  15. Chris

    9.9 HP Honda Starts, but won't run

    Will it run if you keep pumping the bulb? Does the bulb stay hard when you pump it? Perhaps you could have a bad hose. If you can try a different hose, that might rule out that it has a small pinhole leak. Sometimes when they have small leaks that will cause issues like what you've...
  16. Chris

    9.9 HP Honda Starts, but won't run

    How long does it run? As long as the choke is left out? -Chris
  17. Chris

    Viper with V6

    I've got a 2.4L XR4. It's a great motor. Usually any Merc igntion issues are just your typical issues like bad stators or switch boxes. What I would stay away from would be any older motors with mechanic igntion systems where you get into points, condensors etc. Points were notorius for...
  18. Chris

    Viper with V6

    Leafs are perfect so far! Let's hope it lasts! :bounce: The Merc motors that came after the inlines were the V6's and going from memory, they first had the 2.0L's then the 2.4L and finally the 2.5L models. The 2.5's I think started being produced around 1992 or so. When you say older...
  19. Chris

    Viper with V6

    When you say old, what years are you referring to? To me, the 2.5L V6 Mercs were one of the best engines ever built. The old inlines although not as reliable, certainly have a sweet sound though! -Chris
  20. Chris

    now I really want to go to the lake

    Cool video, thanks for sharing. :) -Chris