Should old gas be dumped?

I need your opinions about this. The boat I bought the first part of March of this year still has a half tank of the old gas that the previous owner did not
run all the way out. It has sat in there for a whole year. The guy I bought the boat from said it should be dumped and replaced with fresh gas. I bought
a bottle of Evinrude/Johnson 2+4 fuel stabilizer and was wondering if I mixed that with the gas I have now,would it be okay to run it on that gas? If you
recommend getting rid of the old gas as the previous owner suggested I do,
where would you get rid of it,then? What about mixing new gas/oil with the old? Personally,I would rather get rid of it and start the season with a fresh
tank of gas. I don't even know if the previous owner ran fuel stabilizer through it or not!:shakehead:
No doubt you need new fuel...stabilizer will not enhance dead gas, only stabilize good fuel if you don't plan on using boat for a period. There is a good chance that condensation in a half full tank has contributed to water in your fuel as well. Fuel can be discarded at local sites throughout community. Start by checking local auto parts houses and clean marinas.
Hope this helps...
Capt. Jeremy


New Member
Pump and dump, a little bit of gas isn't worth risking costly repairs and down time.



Staff member
I usually use old gas as parts cleaner. Or as alkyd paint brush cleaner. Or as fire starter!

What I definitely wouldn't use it for is gas! :D
