I own a 27 foot 1985 Toba by Kelly. Has a Command Bridge. Single screw Volvo Penta 260hp. They used to be called Campion Tobas, but when Campion quit making them, Kelly, out in BC, bought the mold and made some more. Then he went to work for Cooper Yachts and they continued making them and called them 8M Prowlers. Then Cooper Yachts went out of business. Was afraid to use the 4 burner Propane stove w oven for 3 years. Now I love it.
I bought this boat brand new in "85 at the Toronto Boat Show and have had it ever since. Have added a few things over the years:
Camper Back in 1987
Bimini Top 1992
Chart Plotter 2000
2000 Hard Bottom Dinghy w 15hp
2001 Electric winch installed on transom to lift dinghy & motor
2003 (hit by lightning at mouth of Holland River Lake Simcoe) set bridge cover on fire, melted through hull fittings, destroyed Venturi windshield...$8000 damage
2003 New striping on bridge and hull. new electronics
Anchor Windlass in 2005 (upper helm control)
2005 Electronic Ignition (what a difference in performance)
2009 Standard Horizon Chart Plotter 180i
2010 Digital Select Calling VHF Radio
2011 Drop nose anchor roller
In 2008 season, my wife and I spent 91 days aboard. Been a very reliable Boat. Now boat out of Midland.
C'mon Spring!!
I bought this boat brand new in "85 at the Toronto Boat Show and have had it ever since. Have added a few things over the years:
Camper Back in 1987
Bimini Top 1992
Chart Plotter 2000
2000 Hard Bottom Dinghy w 15hp
2001 Electric winch installed on transom to lift dinghy & motor
2003 (hit by lightning at mouth of Holland River Lake Simcoe) set bridge cover on fire, melted through hull fittings, destroyed Venturi windshield...$8000 damage
2003 New striping on bridge and hull. new electronics
Anchor Windlass in 2005 (upper helm control)
2005 Electronic Ignition (what a difference in performance)
2009 Standard Horizon Chart Plotter 180i
2010 Digital Select Calling VHF Radio
2011 Drop nose anchor roller
In 2008 season, my wife and I spent 91 days aboard. Been a very reliable Boat. Now boat out of Midland.

C'mon Spring!!

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