Ice Chest Securing

David L

New Member
I just purchased a 20' Reno Fiberglass Lake Skiff with a 90 horse Yamaha 4 stroke. I want to secure my ice chest(s) to the side of the boat so that they don't go flying all over places that I don't want them to. I was thinking "D" rings with bungie cords, problem is I'm not too crazy about the idea of running screws through the inside of the hull of my boat so I was thinking about mounting blocks of wood to the boat and then screwing the "D" rings to them. I was thinking of encapsulating the blocks of wood in fiberglass for obvious reasons. Now the question that comes up is what would be the best way to mount the wooden blocks to the inside of the hull of my boat? Fiberglass resin and cloth? Two part epoxy adhesive? Liquid Nails (constuction adhesive)? Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum?
Any suggestions would be well appreciated, Thanks!

David L


Well-Known Member
That is a center console isn't it?
any way of securing to the CC instead of the hull?


Active Member
there should be no issue with screwing to your deck. just make sure the screws are not to long and that you use sealant on the screws when you put them in. or like sean was saying strap it to the center console. for take a fat guy with you and have him sit on it.

David L

New Member
It is in fact a center console however attached to and directly in front of the console is the live well and attached to that is a dry storage bin of the exact same dimensions as the live well and directly in front of that is a passenger swivel seat, so attaching it to any of that is not an option. In fact that is one of the features that I really like about this boat, other than a drivers (or would the correct terminology be pilots) seat and the afore mentioned features the rest of the inside of the boat is absolutely empty, the boat is wide open with empty space, you could practically have a square dance on this thing (Do-Si-Do). In fact there is so little dry storage that I intend to use the live well as dry storage and keep my live bait in an aerated bucket.
Kieth I did think of and like the idea of using the deck in this plan but the drawback to that is if I go out in my boat and not bring along my ice chest (which will probably almost never happen since I'm a fisherman and not a boaterman) the floor things could be a trip hazard. I went out and bit the bullet and bought one of those fancy schmancy 80 Qt Too Cool ice chests, you know the ones that claim to keep ice from melting for like 40 days or something like that and it probably will if you live in Antarctica.
I was thinking a couple of one by twos mounted edge on just so that the ice chest fits between them and also do the bungee strap thing and that should hold it pretty secure. I know what some of you are probably thinking and it goes something like this "Man, this idiot must be planning on driving this boat like a total maniac", While being an idiot and a maniac is not too far of a stretch for me, the real issue is that I will be fishing Lake Pontchartrain frequently and anyone familiar with that lake knows that it can become a beast real quick out of no where.
I would just like to know what the best adhesive or best method of attaching them to the hull would be.
Sorry for being so long winded (and hardheaded)!
Thanks for the input guys, I really appreciate that you took time to respond to my post.

David L


Active Member
I mistyped I was referring to strapping it to the driver seats not the front of the console. as far as adhesives I do not thank any will hold up when there is water involved. I would build a storage box for it that can be used as storage when the cooler is not in it.



David L

New Member
hahaha, me likey!
Thanks Keith

By the way isn't it supposed to be "i" before "e" except in Budweiser? Just Saying...

David L

204 Escape

Active Member
The items that keith4216 shows in the link, I have, and use. I actually had some matching carpet, and covered a piece of plywood, then attached the corners to it, and used a bungee cord to hold the cooler to it.

HOWEVER, the coolers that I have actually are hidden under a console. BUT, you could put some Velcro on the bottom, if you have carpet that the cooler(s) are setting on. If not what about some of those sticky pads that you can get for the dash of a car. You could glue them to the bottom of the board.

Just my $0.02