Going to file for my retirement !!!!!!

204 Escape

Active Member
I've been a commercial carpenter since 1977. I've worked out of town, (at least 110 miles away), at least 98% of the time. Tired of suitcases, motels, apartments, and rental houses.

Pension isn't bad. NOW, I want to build a shop for my boat, possibly an area to detail my vehicles.

THEN, spend some time in the boat.

Will get the paper work this week. Possibly get the first check Feb. 1st.

Keep your fingers crossed !!! :cheers:

204 Escape

Active Member
UPDATE, FWIW........... the retirement is something, that I would H I G H L Y recommend !!!!!!!

HOWEVER, I had taken a part time job at O'Reillys, prior to filing for retirement. I was going to use the money for a concrete slab, then frame me up a boat house/garage.

I ask for 16 hours max/week. My last check was for 73.25 hours in "2" weeks !!!!!!!!!!!!!

W H A T retirement !?!?!? :eyecrazy:

(Oh, I did get a nice price on a Optima boat battery last week !!! )