Baja Marine Cuts 42 Jobs


Staff member
I went over to the Baja forums and there does seem to be quite a bit going on in the 'ol office. There was a rumor about Brunswick selling, but I think it was just someone stirring the pot for a bit of fun. I think everyone gets cabin this time of year or something. On the Check site, we get about half the amount of traffic (versus the summer) yet this seesm to be when we have the most fisticuffs!

I guess the boating market is pretty soft, so I suppose a bit of rationalizing isn't unexpected. But it's kind of a tough time of the year to be doing it though.

You would think they might have waited until January.

Ah, well...

Who knows, maybe they really are for sale?

Perhaps Doug should buy them and merge the two companies. :D


Active Member
I don't think he wants them back, he's got enough on his plate with Checkmate. He'd like to grow it so that they are building at least a boat a day or better. He's trying to get me to hang on while things get moving. They are even getting a second boat trailer ready for me, so they can have one loaded when I return from a trip and then I would just switch trailers.

He said he finally got to talk to you the other day, and said things went well. He's a lot different to talk to than the old owner, isn't he.


Staff member
I did talk to him actually.

We talked for quite a while.

He seems like a very good guy.

Hopefully some good things will come out of it. :)


Home sales have slowed quite a bit over the last two years and it's working it's way through the rest of the economy.A whole lot of people are affected when the housing industry slows,but I'm hoping things will pick up next year.
Let's just hope so


Actually, theres been so many rumors that they actually address them in our plant meetings. The president will pretty much ask if there are any rumors that need cleared up.:)


Active Member
Actually, theres been so many rumors that they actually address them in our plant meetings. The president will pretty much ask if there are any rumors that need cleared up.:)

Well keep us posted on whats happening.

I hear Dave got a new job out there, hows he takin to that?

And post up some pics from your trips, we'd love to see them here.:thumb:


Well keep us posted on whats happening.

I hear Dave got a new job out there, hows he takin to that?

And post up some pics from your trips, we'd love to see them here.:thumb:

Yeah, Dave is in Customer service now. Should be good for the customers to finally have someone with all those years of knowledge. Less hours for him too!:thumb:

I have a trip coming up when I go back in Jan. Going to Ft Myers to do some endurance testing for a few weeks. Thats got to be my favorite place in all of Florida.


What kind of boat do you have Team? :)

I havent had a "real" boat in awhile, but I do have a 1996 Vyper in awesome condition that Coop is referring to.

I also have a 91 Sea Swirl that I bought for no apparent reason off an internet ad. I occassionally buy these oddball boats, dick around with them in the driveway then sell them for something to pass the time.

Working for Baja the past 4+ years has really left me no reason to own a boat for now.

Chris E

i heard at the boat show yesterday that sea ray is building a bunch of small boats out of the baja plant - any truth to that?

i also heard that bayliner is building boats in mexico - interesting.


The girl friend works at BAJA and they are building a bunch of 171 Sea Rays. We talk about boats once in a while Alan