Arcade Updates


Staff member
Hey Gang,

I added a few new games to the arcade.

Why not have a look and see if you can set a high score? :)


Staff member

I had to reinstall mahjong as it was corrupted.

The existing scores were lost. :yell:

I tried playing one game myself and it seems to be working fine now.

Let me know if you have any issues going forward.


Staff member
Over the last week or two I've added a bunch more games.

So if you haven't visited the arcade in a bit, you should check it out.

I'm kinda fond of Skee Ball myself. :thumb: :)


Staff member
I added another called pinboliada.

You may have to look on the second page to find it. ;)

Have at it you trophy vultures! :yell: :p :D :)


Staff member
Sim Lemonade

Hey Gang,

You've probably figured out I've been adding good games as I find them.

I'm having a few issues with Sim Lemonade in that I can't get it to save scores.

I'm working on a fix and once I find it I'll implement it.

You can still play it, it just won't save your high score.


Chris the new golf game will not save scores & then when I go back to the arcade I'm not logged on. The other games still save for me.

Great add's to the arcade btw :thumb:


Staff member
Chris the new golf game will not save scores & then when I go back to the arcade I'm not logged on. The other games still save for me.

Great add's to the arcade btw :thumb:
Hey Sawcat,

Do you mean the one where you play nine holes?

It saved for me when I tried it.

Usually when I install any games I try to play one round to make sure it saves. If it won't save I just remove it.


Yep, The 9 Hole. It just will not post for me & then it kicks me off. I just tried again. Oh well no big deal


Staff member
Do you have a pop up blocker on?

If it's not that, I know there is a bug were sometimes the software actually saves your score (most of the time) but it tells you it didn't and then forwards you to the forum index page. I'm not sure if that's what happens to you.

Supposedly that's a known bug and a update with a fix is expected shortly when vBulletin releases their next update to the forum software.


Staff member
Hey Gang,

I just added a handful more games to the arcade.

For those of you who haven't checked it out lately, we now have over 750 games installed.

Check it out and give it a go.

Enjoy! :)