I've decided to add a second battery to my boat; there've just been too many times when I almost ran the battery out of juice whilst coving out and jamming to some tunes.
In the case of my boat, I am going to have to put the second battery on the port side, or opposite side, of the boat, which will mean some fairly long cable runs. I'm using good 4/0 cable, so I feel I'll be fine. I've already got the selector switch mounted and the cabling for the first battery done.
One thing I am considering is to run the negative cable of the second battery to the engine block, rather than back to the other battery. I am slightly worried about a ground loop if I do this, though.
In the case of my boat, I am going to have to put the second battery on the port side, or opposite side, of the boat, which will mean some fairly long cable runs. I'm using good 4/0 cable, so I feel I'll be fine. I've already got the selector switch mounted and the cabling for the first battery done.
One thing I am considering is to run the negative cable of the second battery to the engine block, rather than back to the other battery. I am slightly worried about a ground loop if I do this, though.