Search results

  1. claupie

    New purchase

    :welcome: Good deal
  2. claupie

    Radio controlled plane

    Check this
  3. claupie

    Canoe build

    very interesting.
  4. claupie

    The Member's Rides Thread!

    just niticed this thread her' s mine.. 2 nd pic,my son running over limit permitted ! :D
  5. claupie

    Hello from new guy

    :welcome: Interesting,got any pics?
  6. claupie

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years

    X 2 :bigthumb:
  7. claupie

    How many boats do you currently own?

    What's the plan for this one? :) -Chris I quit fishing years ago.But my son never did.So we are going to revive them good old times . :surf: Pierre
  8. claupie

    How many boats do you currently own?

    09 Checkmate pulsare 2100 LD W/250 xs And just bought new princecraft youkon w/25 merc.
  9. claupie

    sidewinder boats

    are they still made? Ihave a friend who is looking for new seats for is 14 footer. Thanks Pierre
  10. claupie

    Hi Newbie

    :welcome: Are you on CM site as well.?
  11. claupie

    Fuel Prices Won't Stop Boaters

    x3..:thumb: And the price of gas has not affected me yet,since my new mota used a lot less gas than my old pro/max and 87 oct versus 94 oct..Makes a big difference!! :surf:
  12. claupie

    My new 2006 Merc 25

    Chris a local dealer wanted 1895.% for the same motor..Is it a good deal ?? thanx Pierre
  13. claupie

    Hey Claupie & Haftoo55

    Coops..when are you delivring you next load to Gatineau Canada ???
  14. claupie

    Best looking half ton?

    I personnaly like the Ford 150,Hearly Davidson Edition... :drool:
  15. claupie

    Some photos from the shop

    is this is the owner of Cirque du Soleil...Multi millonaire..???
  16. claupie

    tow trucks

    Thanx Chris.. they probably use more gas than my promax..
  17. claupie

    Hey Claupie & Haftoo55

    i would go for white and w/solid black @ silver flake stripes... merc blue interior,white stripe and piping...:drool: 2000 or 2100 long deck ..
  18. claupie

    tow trucks

    and these...
  19. claupie

    tow trucks

    and these
  20. claupie

    tow trucks

    how about these....:bigthumb: