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  1. BosnBill

    What Force 10 Winds and Rough Seas Look Like

    Yeah, Ralph never has to do watch, he's always down below, wretched fellow. I've seen him, but never met him. He likes to hang around the galley a lot and make an appearance when the seas are rough! :irked:
  2. BosnBill

    Rogue Waves - Myth or Reality?

    Here's a video about Freak Waves. Freak Waves
  3. BosnBill

    Winterizing Your Boat

    Thought its a good time to post this article for us boaters in the northern climes. Preventive Maintenence
  4. BosnBill


    Hi Riverguy. Glad to have you with us.
  5. BosnBill

    Rogue Waves - Myth or Reality?

    I have a curiosity about rogue waves so I did a little research. I have seen large swells that seem random and infrequent and it's a real problem if you're running in a following sea and you don't see them coming. I can't imagine these walls of water some as high as 90 feet. It seems freakish...
  6. BosnBill

    Do I Need a CO Detector on my Boat?

    Thanks Nathan. It is. Sneaks up on ya. "Nasty". Good word for it!
  7. BosnBill

    Okay, So What's the Difference between a Rope and a Line?

    What is a rope? What is a line? What is the difference? Many boaters think that these two words are interchangeable--that a rope is a line and a line is a rope. This is not true. Rope is unemployed cordage. In other words, when it is in a coil and has not been assigned a job, it is just a...
  8. BosnBill

    Do I Need a CO Detector on my Boat?

    I learned of the hazards of carbon monoxide poisoning in my safe boating course years ago, but I never really believed I'd need a CO detector with the stiff breezes that usually accompanied my earlier boating excursions. When I got a larger boat I put one in the cabin thinking it would be safe...
  9. BosnBill

    What Force 10 Winds and Rough Seas Look Like

    I meant, have you ever seen green in the gills?
  10. BosnBill


    Welcome to Endless Boating Rob. You found a great site. See you on the forum.
  11. BosnBill

    Up to 20 million tons of debris from Japan’s tsunami moving toward Hawaii

    Up to 20 million tons of debris from Japan’s tsunami moving toward Hawaii. Here's the story.
  12. BosnBill

    This is the biggest striped bass I have ever seen!

    Take a look at a World Record striped bass. Click here to see an 80 pounder.
  13. BosnBill

    What Force 10 Winds and Rough Seas Look Like

    Know whatcha mean Nathan. Imagine being inside. If you're not the cap focusing on every wave, imagine the crew and passengers with no horizon, green in the gills. I've seen it. You?
  14. BosnBill

    What Force 10 Winds and Rough Seas Look Like

    What force 10 winds and rough seas look like. Check out the video here.
  15. BosnBill

    Ways to Protect your Boat from Birds

    My wife and I have one of the best views at the marina. Having been lucky enough to secure the slip farthest out of G dock affords us spectacular views of the river that leads to the Sound and the ocean. But, it also makes us first stop for seagulls who like to think my boat is their personal...
  16. BosnBill

    more good music

    Wow! Now that's a Wow!
  17. BosnBill

    10 Great Weather Resources for Boaters

    Thank you. I hope you find something you can use. It took some time to compile, but worth it. I've got a lot of positive feedback! :)
  18. BosnBill


    I agree with everything Nathan said, I just want to add that if your anchor is embedded in sand, mud, bottom debris or rocks and if The Nathan Method didn't work you might want to back the boat in the opposite direction the boat was facing. You'll need someone to spot, keeping an eye on the...
  19. BosnBill

    10 Great Weather Resources for Boaters

    A day on the water is a calculated risk and foul weather is predictable if you use the right tools before you leave the dock. I don't know about you, but I get impatient waiting for the local weather loop on my VHF to tell me what the weather in my area is going to be, so I did a little...
  20. BosnBill

    more good music

    Good stuff Nathan. Thank you for the dedication. After I listened to the entire medley, I went out and sat down with Jack Daniels. He poured me an old No. 7. :drool: