"For Sale" University Textbooks

University Textbooks
Used once College Books, Save Money
Buy my used books, In great shape, No writing or tears, Non Smoker
can ship or buy the cash face to face,different every semester.
Send me your email for the list. WickedGoodoutdoors@Maine.rr.com

here are just a few of what I have today.
Othello [Mass Market Paperback] [Apr 01, 1998] Shakespeare, William Just $5.
Second Treatise of Government [Jan 11, 1952] John Locke and Thomas P. Peardon Just $5.
Strategic Marketing Problems (Cases and Comments, Custom Edition) [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] Roger A. Kerin and Robert A. Peterson Just $40.
What is the What [Paperback] [Oct 09, 2007] Eggers, Dave Just $10.
Business Law Today Custom Edition University of Maine-Oreno [Loose Leaf] [Jan 01, 2014]
Miller Just $79.

Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy Custom Edition [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] Thomas Wheelen Just $15.
Elementary Algebra for College Students [Feb 01, 1994] Yoshiwara, Katherine Franklin and Drooyan, Irving Just $10.
Engineering Graphics [Hardcover] [Jan 01, 1981] Giesecke ; Mitchell ; Spencer ; Hill ; L Just $20.
Exploring Research (7th Edition) [Feb 18, 2008] Salkind, Neil J. Just $20.
In Too Deep: BP and the Drilling Race That Took it Down [Hardcover] [Jan 11, 2011] Reed, Stanley and Fitzgerald, Alison Just $10.

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, Enlarged Edition, Now with "A True Tale of Slavery" [Mar 10, 2000] Jacobs, Harriet A.; Jean Fagan Yellin and John S. Jacobs Just $ 5.
International Business, Vol 1 & 2: Custom Edition for Franklin Pierce University, BA364 [Paperback] [Jan 01, 2010] Charles W.L. Hill Just $50.
Management Information Systems for the Business Student: A Technical Use and Development Guide [Paperback] [Aug 02, 2012] GRAHAM C MATTHEW Just $30.