The Saga Continues...

Chris E

that's what happens when you have more money than brains and decide to get into the boat business - if you want to make a million in the boat business - start with 2 million!

Chris E

as far as proline goes, that was a no brainer - the former owners held a secure mortgage on the property, they had first dibs on it anyway. there was an article featuring hejna two weeks ago but it's not online so i can't link, basically saying how he was done dirt. the ones who really benefit are the people who took the businesses back - get paid once and buy back at a discount - nice!


Staff member
I heard many of them got nice oversized cheques to convince them to sell in the first place. ;)

So yes, it's nice that they're back in charge and got a deal to boot. :thumb:

Hopefully Mobile Marine will get their classifieds back up and working so I can sit and dream about all the used crap that I'll never buy. :D

Chris E

i don't know, ever get the feeling someone's head is in the guillotine and they are waiting for the blade to fall?


Staff member
Five marinas is a lot to handle.

I guess if when you're in the posh area of town you can get away with pricing stuff above market value and that can make it "a go".