Out of this world!


Staff member
Incredible shots.

I like the ones where it shows the layer at the top of the atmosphere which has a really glow to it.



Active Member
It would be hard to see too many pictures like that. Those were great.

Chris doesn't know it yet, but just before our dot com bubbles bursts and we sell our sites for millions. We're taking a ride with Virgin Galactic. :sssh:



Great Pics BP :thumb: What a view :eyecrazy:

I believe it was in the spring or early summer nasa had a night launch of the shuttle. I watched it go by here in NC. Fireball streaked across the sky in a matter of seconds. It was quite a show.


Staff member
It would be hard to see too many pictures like that. Those were great.

Chris doesn't know it yet, but just before our dot com bubbles bursts and we sell our sites for millions. We're taking a ride with Virgin Galactic. :sssh:

Wow. You're right, I didn't smoke those....er I mean read the tea leaves that way. :p

I hope you're right Coop!

I'm sure with a few million each, we can definitely put on a show at the next Checkmate poker run. :thumb: