Fun Times
Active Member
Are you talking about how important the engine serial number is for a Mercruiser engine?

Here is the parts catalog for your engine model,
You're "non" TKS (Turn Key Start) carburetor parts,,+Mercarb
Last but not least, the service manual for your engine model,
Inside the manual, See FUEL SYSTEM Section 5B - MERCARB 2 BARREL CARBURETOR
Hope this helps, Good luck.
Here is some information that should help save you a little bit of money.There is a lot of info on the webs about this...Jeesh. Lol
Serial on motor is 0m688851.
Here is the parts catalog for your engine model,
You're "non" TKS (Turn Key Start) carburetor parts,,+Mercarb
Last but not least, the service manual for your engine model,
Inside the manual, See FUEL SYSTEM Section 5B - MERCARB 2 BARREL CARBURETOR
Hope this helps, Good luck.