If You Are in LOTO or will be from July 1st to 5th Please Read...


New Member
We are coming to LOTO on July 1st thru the 5th. We will be shooting video for our tv pilot. We made the decision to come to LOTO after the great response we've had on this forum as well as others. Being relatively short notice we have a ton of research to do and arrangements to make.
Our show is based on boating and more importantly the boating community. We are in need of a variety of different things. I am going to put my wish list out here and ask for the help of anyone reading this.
Here it is:
1. Most importantly we are in need of input.
Where should we show up and when? We are looking for the best restaurants and bars! The best places on the lake to meet up with fellow boaters(Everyone has said party cove, Are there other places? Where?)
2. Where are the fireworks? Are there any big boating club parties?
3. We need people to interview? (Tell us your LOTO story)
4. We would like to spend sometime with a local boater touring the lakes and getting their input on what LOTO means to them.
5. Business owners looking to Tradeout there services for National and local advertising. We are in need of ride alongs, a chase boat, aircraft etc..
6. Again input. Other than being on the water what other interesting places should we see.
7. Where to stay? Where do boaters stay when they come to LOTO?
8. We will have a segment on the show for the fast boats on the lake. We are looking to ride a long on a go fast....(Ex.... We just shot Fred Nielsens 368 Skater on the Chain O Lakes in northern Il. this past weekend. 150mph).
I'm sure I will have more to ask. Again this is our wish list. Please PM me with any questions.


New Member
What is the name of your new show, and WHEN will it air ( also- what network?) Sounds like MY KIND OF SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!