
Active Member
My trim tabs gave out last season. The piston in one of the so called "actuators" was no longer working and I had to run in the hole until I could get up enough speed to see over the bow, especially with passengers in the stern. This ever happen to you? Here's a video from Ship Shape TV that explains how they work and why you need them. Trim Tabs Overview.


Well-Known Member
Trim tabs are a great addition, and in some cases a necessity.

They also have tose "dolphin fins" that bilt to your stern drive...I'm not thrilled with those because of the stress it puts on the drive.

PS if you want a "dolphin fin" i have one in my garage you can have for the cost of shipping.


Personally, I don't see the need for tabs on boats under 23'. I know I debated for a long time about adding them to my 21' boat, but ultimately decided I was running just fine and didn't need them.
A friend of mine who has a Baja 252 demonstrated the difference in his boat with/without tabs, and it was pretty dramatic. So I guess a lot depends on the individual boat/application.


Well-Known Member
If you cruise at slow speeds, you can use less throttle (less gas) and keep the nose down.
If you have more weight on one side than the other you can compensate to keep level...similar if your boat heels from propeller torque.

lastly, they help get you on plane quicker. This can work in concert with a good prop set up that lets you maximise the performance capibilities your boat already has.

Do you NEED them...No. Are they a good idea...Yes (if you use them).