Alarm 115 opti


New Member
Hey guys I am stuck! I have twin 115 2005 optimax DFI. I can start out the day and run for hours at 4to5 thousand RPM know problem. go down to trolling speed around 2500 and the continous alarm goes off and it goes into safe mode. drop down to 10to15 hundred and it is find. try to go back to 4or5 thousand and it goes back to safe mode. I have replaced all the seals and the oil filters on the oil system, replaced the seaweed guards and flushed out the water system with saltaway and it seems to be peeing find. Any Ideals. Thanks


New Member
No. I live on a island with no boat dealers. I have to figure it out or ship it out. How would I go about scanning it. I take it that I need some type of scanning tool. Thanks for your reply


Staff member
Essentially a Merc dealer should be able to hook up a diagnostic cable and scan it for codes. That's where I would start.

Then you go to other things if there's no code.

Suggestions - worn impeller, plugged up water inlets, poppet valve etc.

Then I would look at oiling system and also wiring, sensors etc.

I've also heard of a plugged up water seperator causing that issue on some models.



Staff member
Thanks Chris
Going to start with the impellors and work down the list.
How long ago was it last serviced if you know?

By the book, you're supposed to change impellers regularly, although most people often don't. Over time, they start to dry out and then they start breaking up and then don't pump as well.

Also, if you dry start your motor that will quickly burn up an impeller even if it is new. Sometimes people think they can just click the motor over to see if it will start and they don't realize the pump needs water for lubrication, so the impeller can quickly burn up. It also can happen inadvertantly, when someone attempts to service their motor on a waterhose and it isn't hooked up properly or the water pressure isn't sufficient enough etc.

You can get a water pump rebuild service kit from your local dealer that has the impellar along with other seals needed to do a complete service.

Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Hopefully that will be the cause and you'll be good to go after that. If not, then it's one routine maintenance item done and one possible cause you can cross off your list.
