2007-2008 NHL Hockey Thread


Staff member
Any hockey fans here on EB?

Any predictions?

I'll humbly predict my Leafs aren't going to win old Stanley and I have serious doubts about them making the playoffs.

I'll also predict that if they aren't in a playoff position by the end of the calender year that John Ferguson Jr. will be fired. Most likely in time for a new GM to make deals before the trade deadline.

As far as what team will win it all...

Hard to say.

I don't think any team got significantly better or worse.

So I'd say the Sabres, Sens, and Ducks are still pretty strong. And the Wings always ice a solid team.

I think the Flyers will be signifcantly improved over last year.

Over to y'all. :)

Chris E

as long as leaf fans are stupid enough to sell out the acc every time they are playing, nothing will ever change. the leafs don't need to spend big bucks on payroll or talent, that arena sells out every night - from a business stand point, they are making a killing and laughing all the way to the bank. sad but true.


Staff member
Well with regard to the Leafs...

With the salary cap now in place, they can't be criticised for not spending enough on team payroll. That point is basically mute.

The problem is that they should be spending money on the best front office staff money can buy. And instead we've got a inexperienced GM that they obviously don't have much faith in as they're talking about trying to hire someone to teach him how to do his job.

And I agree, until something gives and it costs them money for losing, I doubt much will change. At this point all they are is a revenue stream for the Teacher's Pension Fund.

The best thing that could happen to the Leafs is that the Pension Fund sells the team to a real owner who will run the team for fun.

Calling Jim Basille! :sssh:


Staff member

The Leafs are looking not too bad. :thumb:

They played Ottawa tough.

Although it's hard to know how on their (Ottawa) game they are at this point in the season.

And they looked good against the Habs.

Toskala looks like he can play, which is probably the most important thing. :thumb:


Staff member
You a fan '83?

The perception "up here" is that there aren't too many hockey fans down south.


Staff member
Oh man...the Leafs are a mess.

Something has to give very shortly I would think.

This can't continue. :yell:

Chris E

they could start by getting rid of raycroft and firing ferguseon - which i here is very close to happening.


Staff member

I have you been listening to the Fan at all?

Lots of rumours are floating around now.

One is that JFJ tried to fire Paul Maurice last week but was stopped from doing so.

That might indicate the writing is on the wall for JFJ me thinks.

Chris E

no, usually bill watters on 640 via the net, interesting, watters insists that maurice is a good coach, but it's hard to do with a lack of talent or motivation, they really called it in on saturday night. i think the stat they mentioned was 30th in the league in defense - perhaps they need a serious shakeup. send a few of those players back to the minors for a while. maurice looked so frustrated saturday - you could see it in his face.


Staff member
Their team defence is just horrible.

It seems like no one on the Leafs wants to play defence, including the defence themselves.

To me JFJ has done a horrible job.


Staff member
Yeah, they've been saying something is going to happen "soon" all day.

Now what do we call tonight's result?


I hate shootouts. They're dumb.

And the fact you lose and get a point is dumber.

To me, either you win the game and get two points, or you tie and get one.

But losing and getting one is stupid.


Staff member
Hey Chris,

One of the paper rags is reporting that Tennanbaum is quoted as saying JFJ's performance will be evaluated in January.

I guess winning one game every half dozen or so, buys you a month in Toronto. :yell: :p :)


Staff member
Leafs Win! Leafs Win!

I think they're in the running for Lord Stanley's Mug!

Time to mortgage what's left of the future to try to win it! :rof:


Staff member
Leafs win! Leafs win!

They're in eighth.

Close the downtown core and plan the parade route. :D