1998 yamaha 150 c150tlrx


New Member
Happy Easter everyone. New member here. I have a 98 yamaha 150 c150tlrx) and need a little help. Got it out for the first time this year and the power trim didn't work. Don't know much about em. I found the reservoir for the system and it was very low. I got online and found that 10w30 oil could be used if need be. I had some so I put it in till it was coming out the fill hole. Crossed my fingers and tried it and it worked great. Only had to put in about 3/4 of a cup till it was full. I realize I have a small leak somewhere. For now I would just like to fill and drain it a few times to flush it out because the crappie are going to the shallow water. All this rambling brings me to my question. I can't find a drain plug. Does it have one? Thanks in advance for any advice

Fun Times

Active Member
Hi there @Ragincajun , welcome to endless boating forums.:)

Looking over your parts catalogs for your engine model it would seem as if you may have a power trim oil plug/s and possibly depending on what trim pump design you have as they list 2 type, you may have a little filter too.

Here's some links to a listed engine model type which is close to your 1998 engine year...This says 1999 but it ought to be the same.

In this design power trim system look over item numbers 3, 4, 5 and then scroll down to 22 - 24

Or look over item number 15 as there are 2 of them plugs, https://www.crowleymarine.com/yp/ZJ732316/power-trim-tilt-assembly-2-c150tlrx-1999-150hp

Hope this helps, somehow, good luck.