
  1. Chris

    2011 Toronto International Boat Show Coverage

    Direct Energy Center - Toronto, Ontario - January 16, 2011 Today marked the day when we take our annual trip to the Toronto International Boat Show. :) The weather was quite cold with the temperatures hovering around -12 Celsius and with the windchill supposedly it felt like -20 Celsius - at...
  2. Chris

    1969 Larson Brochure

    Next Larson Brochure up is the 1969 edition. Every couple of days or so, I'll post a few scans from this vintage 1969 Larson Brochure as well as adding them to the photo-gallery. :) I'd like to thank Dale, who has spent quite a bit of time scanning these from his collection, for the community...
  3. Chris

    2010 Toronto International Boat Show Coverage

    Direct Energy Center - Toronto, Ontario - January 14, 2010 Well, yesterday marked the date for our annual trip down to the Toronto International Boat Show. We're enjoying a very welcomed mild spell here in Toronto, mild translating into temperatures a few degrees above celsius. :p But unlike...
  4. Chris

    Humber Jewel Pics!

    I took these a few years back at the 2008 Toronto International Boat Show. Thought I'd share these in this dedicated thread, in case their are others who have a Humber Jewel or are interested in them. :) -Chris
  5. Chris

    Vintage 1961 Evinrude Brochure

    Next brochure up is a vintage 1961 Evinrude brochure. Enjoy! :) -Chris
  6. Chris

    Vintage 1979 Evinrude Brochure Scans!

    Here's the next brochure to go up into our gallery, it's a vintage 1979 Evinrude Brochure. There are lots of neat motors and boats as well in this one. Enjoy! :)
  7. Chris

    Gallery Brand Categories

    Hi Gang, I'm happy to announce that I've created a new gallery category which will be divided into the various brands of boats. The idea with this section, is to start gathering up images and then uploading them into the various brand categories like Checkmate, Hydrostream, Baja etc...
  8. C

    1996 Checkmate Pulse170

    Here are some pictures of my 1996 Checkmate pulse 170 w/ a 1999 200HP EFI Mercury hanging off the back.
  9. Chris

    The Member's Rides Thread!

    Alrighty Gang, This is our never ending Member's Rides Thread! This is the place to show the community your best pic or two of your rig or rigs! On Endless Boating it's a "run what cha brung" affair, so let's see what cha got! Big, small, fast or slow it doesn't matter. If it floats then...
  10. Chris

    Donzi Pics

    Here's a few vintage classic Donzi pics from the 1970 Mercruiser Brochure. They're also posted in the gallery which the rest of the brochure. Enjoy! :)