Search results

  1. Chris E

    Sea Ray 5.6 Seville

    the step is easy, a place in toronto sells starboard - wharehoused plastic sales. i radiused the edges 2" then ran around the whole thing with a router to take the edges down - 15 minute job.
  2. Chris E

    My Checkmate

    due to my incredibly cheap labour rate, i'm doing it myself. honestly i couldn't justify having someone do the work - the boat isn't worth it - it's a labour of love.
  3. Chris E

    Grew Challanger

    This is a very rare bird. My brother in law (Dave) works at Suzuki Canada and they had this boat built last year. some of you will know the Challanger name already (Tuff marine uses the same hull), this is a hull and the deck has been redesigned and is built by grew boats in owen sound (this is...
  4. Chris E

    Sea Ray 5.6 Seville

    Here are some pics of the family boat, a 1986 Sea Ray Seville, 3.0L Mercruiser that pushes it along to a whopping 35 mph. the boat was always boathouse stored until we got it a few years ago, but, its holding up well. just wish it had a v6. i threw some gauges i had lying around, also threw...
  5. Chris E

    My Checkmate

    well, the old girl is getting a new transom, floor, stringers, then the deck will go back on, and then i'll fill all the holes in the boat (gauges, switches, etc) and that will problably be as far as i get before it gets cold. i would like to put a 150 on it, so i'm looking for hydraulic...
  6. Chris E

    Hey Coop, these look kinda kewl.

    my kids need one of those, hell, i need one of those!
  7. Chris E

    The Saga Continues...

    as far as proline goes, that was a no brainer - the former owners held a secure mortgage on the property, they had first dibs on it anyway. there was an article featuring hejna two weeks ago but it's not online so i can't link, basically saying how he was done dirt. the ones who really benefit...
  8. Chris E

    Cottage Solutions-The Sheebanator!

    i don't blame her one bit - i like chasing fishermen too!
  9. Chris E

    2007 Antique & Classic Boat Show-Gravenhurst

    did you get the names of the two launches? they look like ditchburns but i'm not 100% sure.
  10. Chris E

    PWC Jump

    i think if they had been farther back on the machine they could have landed it!
  11. Chris E

    2007 Antique & Classic Boat Show-Gravenhurst

    those early fiberglass were very much an automotive designs - some were pretty neat. my dad's old boat had a curved glass windsheild before they were the style to have - 1968. although, maybe i'm a purist, i really like the motor launch style - ditchburns and minnets are my style. our wedding...
  12. Chris E

    2007 Antique & Classic Boat Show-Gravenhurst

    good to see, i had to go to powassan yesterday and couldn't go to the show. wonder if my 79 predictor is an antique yet?
  13. Chris E


    i voted yamaha, personally of all the motors that came through the various dealerships i worked at, never saw a blown yamaha. lots of mercs, lots of omcs, not one yamaha - would i buy one, don't know, probably still go black - only because parts are quick to get. my brother in law works for...
  14. Chris E

    How many boats do you currently own?

    86 sea ray - 3.0l mercruiser 79 predictor - no power 80 sterling tin w/7.5 merc electric start
  15. Chris E

    Connie's got talent.

    that kid's got a wicked set of pipes - wow kinda makes my singing in the shower sound a little weak!
  16. Chris E

    Lake Muskoka

    here's a few more shots from last weekend our nightly sunset view: bottom end of the bay: our dock - the boat port view down to the dock - love climbing those stairs Taboo resort - home course of mike wier
  17. Chris E

    The Saga Continues...

    that's what happens when you have more money than brains and decide to get into the boat business - if you want to make a million in the boat business - start with 2 million!
  18. Chris E

    Leaky row boat

    sikaflex works awesome, have also used a product called goop which works really well.
  19. Chris E


    hey coop - let us ontario boys no if you end up coming up this way (lake and trail).
  20. Chris E


    brian is right on the money - you love the motor you can get parts for fastest - for me that's merc - 1 day for instock items.