Search results

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    He is...The Most Interesting Man in the World!

    Those are hysterical and the announcer sounds like the great announcer who does the PBS Frontline documentaries.
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    Need a New Entrance Pic!

    That's the one. Bet you can work your magic with that picture. :thumb:
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    Need a New Entrance Pic!

    Hey Chris, You have a really nice picture of 3 Hydrostreams posted in a 1976 Mercury brochure. It would make a great entrance page.
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    1965 Steury Brochure

    I had never heard of this boat until you posted the catalogue Chris. Has anybody else heard of it or ever seen or owned one?
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    SeaFire speed boat

    I was hoping someone would post pictures. Anton didn't you say you had some. Would like to see them. :)
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    Glad you solved your problem. Hopefully anyone who needs a good aluminum cleaner will read your post. :)
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    Have you tried using CLR. Its worked on everything I've tried it on and it can be used on aluminum. Its great for scale and rust etc. :bigthumb: Or is that one of the cleaners you've already tried.
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    Dream Boat

    Well, myself, I love the old classics. There is one in 2007 Gravenhurst show labelled Boat House 2 that makes my mouth water. I don't even need to ride in it...just look at! :thumb:
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    New Member

    Wow! That is what you call sportfishing. I've seen some videos on youtube where a marlin pulls the fisherman over the side of the boat into the water.:eyecrazy: Are you strapped into a seat when you go fishing? Your plans sound fascinating. I remember when we were going through a recession in...
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    Dream Boat

    With the economy slowly improving, it's time to start dreaming again! If you could have any boat at all - money no object, because you've won it in a contest - what would it be? If it is a powerboat choose your dream motor to go with it. If it's a yacht, furnishings included, etc. Is it a...
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    New Member

    Welcome aboard! Why type of fishing do you do. Every type possible or do you have a favourite!
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    FINALLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats! I think the worst is behind us but it will take a while to step at a time!:cheers:
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    1965 Mercury Brochure Scans!

    And what is Mercury's Lake X?:eyecrazy:
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    1965 Mercury Brochure Scans!

    Love the first picture. I wonder where that was taken. Anyone have any ideas.
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    500th Member Milestone!

    And now that the EAGLE has landed, this is just the beginning! Congratulations! :thumb:
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    New Cell Phone............

    As I recall the Palm came out in 1997 and they had a pen-shaped device called a stylus used on the display screen to input commands and handwritten text or drawings. You had to sync the PALM from your computer which was a nuisance. I think RIM released their device in 1999 as a phone/email...
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    The Song Chain Thread

    Just to make this challenging, "Hurt" by Nine Inch Nails - Also performed by Johnny Cash
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    tree canoe found of 5300 years old in the netherlands

    Thanks for the story and picture. Fascinating. I will be waiting to see pictures of the boat.
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    Entrance Pic #2 - Nomination Thread

    Well of course you know I'm going to recommend "remlinger's-daughter with a blue-gill shot!" So cute!
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    Entrance Pic Nominations

    Love it!