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  1. dave

    Inboard/Outboard Conversion to Outboard

    i would check and see if the boat you are wanting to convert was avabile as an outboard model first. i would also be concerned with the loss of wieght in the rear and throwing the boats balance and or the ride off. anything can be done if you are handy.
  2. dave

    Another Clyde Craft

    looks like a fine job to me, good work.
  3. dave

    Call goes out: mandate boat licensing. Should they do it or not, If you really think

    like chris said there are idiots everywhere, weather it be on the roads, water or air. licenses don't stop people from being idiots anywhere else so why would the water be any different. a few bad apples ruin it for everyone else.
  4. dave

    1984 cimmaron

    try a 14 1/2-21 that should drop ypur revs about 400 rpm.
  5. dave

    Wellcraft hydrolocking issue

    good luck
  6. dave

    Bigger motor on boat now.

    good luck, try moving your fuel tank forward, extend the fuel line and route it along the gunnel instead of adding extra wieght to the bow.
  7. dave

    transmission ratio

    1.57-1, for every 1.57 revolutions of the engine you will get 1 revolution at the prop.
  8. dave

    engine/transmission housing

    hi captain don, i answered your question in you're first post.
  9. dave

    engine/transmission housing

    the housings will work on both engines, the starters will not. send the extra counter rotation starter to a good starter shop and they should either be able to reverse the rotation for you or sell you one that will work.
  10. dave

    Train vs Tornado, guess the winner

    I'm glad we don't have tornados around here
  11. dave

    88 bayliner capri restoration

    i just re-did mine last summer. i don't think it is a good idea to reinforce the engine beds if they are rotton they need to be replaced.
  12. dave

    New Member not new to Boating

    one engine rotates clockwise the other counter-clockwise, it's not done in the transmission.
  13. dave

    1978 Mercrusier 470 2 bbl. carb. OVERHEATING--PLEASE HELP!!!

    usually when these heads crack it is between the valves and the problem won't arise unless the engine is hot. try starting the engine with the rad cap off and watch down inside the manifold as the engine warms up. if you start to notice air bubbles entering the coolant and the smell of exhaust...
  14. dave

    1978 Mercrusier 470 2 bbl. carb. OVERHEATING--PLEASE HELP!!!

    I'm not sure where the place is excatly because I got the guy where I bought the parts to send it out. It cost around $450.00 to have it recast and had no problems in the last 2 years. The guy to talk to would be Mark at nova auotmotive and machine shop in dartmouth, nova scotia. I got the head...
  15. dave

    1978 Mercrusier 470 2 bbl. carb. OVERHEATING--PLEASE HELP!!!

    mine wa doing the same thing,stripped it down and found the head was cracked. i could not find a new one so i sent it to montreal and had it recast, works fine now.
  16. dave

    installing a new control unit - shifter in an 87 4Winns

    I believe the cables will work from one unit to the other.
  17. dave

    New with Celebrity 245 as first boat.

    nice boat, congrats.
  18. dave

    help with prop pitch

    the 14 1/4 is the prop diameter and the 21 means that for each revolution of the prop the boat will move 21" forward. the higher this number the faster you will go, the lower the faster , but make sure you don't over rev
  19. dave

    Yamaha C85 overheating

    running without a thermostst could be causing this problem as well, with no restriction water flow the upper cyclinders on some outboards will be starved for water leaving a hot spot around the temp sensor.