Boat lift removal innovation project

Will T

New Member
We are students at Lakeview technology academy, taking an engineering design and development class and were wondering if we could get some feedback on our idea. Our idea is to make a system to lift a boat lift up onto wheels to wheel it out of the water for the winter and back into the water for summer, with easy installation onto an existing boat lift. Would you be interested in such a product? And how much would you be looking to pay for such a product?
Thank you for your time!

William T

Jared G


Staff member
Hey Guys,

Sounds like a fun project. That would be useful, I thought I've seen one already on the market though. I could be wrong though.

There is also a construction barge/boat that has built in wheels that flip up and down as well. You flip them down to trailer the boat and then flip them up when in the water and underway.

I might have some pictures of the boat somewhere if you want to see pictures of that.
