chapter 11

  1. Chris

    Fountain Powerboats files for bankruptcy

    WASHINGTON, N.C. — Fountain Powerboats filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection today, according to U.S. Bankruptcy Court documents from the Eastern District of North Carolina. Link to full article below... :( Here's another article...
  2. Chris

    Michigan Wheel Corp. Files For Bankruptcy

    Marine Propeller Manufacturer, Michigan Wheel Corp, has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company expects to be purchased by Michigan Investment firm, The Anderson Group LLC and intends to maintain it's current name and operations. Link to full article below...
  3. Chris

    Genmar Files for Bankruptcy Protection

    Rather shocking news, but yet another sign of how tough the economic conditions are... Genmar Holdings has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Here's a few links to further stories on the filing....
  4. Chris

    Boater's World Parent Company Files for Chapter 11

    Ritz Camera Centers Inc. the parent company of Boater's World, has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Ritz operates approximately 130 Boater's World Marine Center locations. Link to full articles below.