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  • Hi, I am a new member whom is trying to research information on a boat that an elderly friend owns. I know nothing about boats and am hoping that someone could help me with any information on the boat that he owns. The boat is a 17' Great laker, Spruce Lapsrike, built in 1963 in Chetek, Wi.. It is in showroom condition, wood, mostly mahogany. It has a 75hp outboard motor. He would like to sell it but has no idea of the value, and I am absolutely clueless. If anyone could give me any info. on this boat it would be greatly apreciated. Thank You, Carla
    Hi, I am a new member whom is trying to research information on a boat that an elderly friend owns. I know nothing about boats and am hoping that someone could help me with any information on the boat that he owns. The boat is a 17' Great Laker, Spruce Lapstrike, built in 1963 in Chetek, Wi. It is in showroom condition, wood, mostly mahogany. It has a 75hp outboard motor. He would like to sell it but has no idea of the value, and I am absolutely clueless. If anyone could give me any info. on this boat it would be greatly apreciated. Thank You, Carla
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